Assist Your Paws

Free 24/7 veterinary support with every Insure Your Paws policy

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Unlimited advice and support from UK registered vets and vet nurses, anytime of day or night, 365 days a year.

What is Assist Your Paws?

We know being a pet parent comes with its challenges. Whether you are dealing with the unexpected, or simply need reassurance, our Assist Your Paws careline is available any time, day or night, all year round.

One of our caring nurses will be on hand to help you with your queries, give advice or help assess your pet’s situation.

Assist Your Paws Can Help With:
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Potential poisoning
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Itching and skin problems
  • Minor injuries and accident

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does Assist Your Paws work?

    Simply pick up the phone and give us a call on our dedicated telephone number. You can find this number in your Policy Schedule or in your Policy Wording. If we need to see your pet, we’ll send you a video call link.

  • Is there a usage limit on the Assist Your Paws careline?

    Nope! Access to Assist Your Paws is unlimited for all Insure Your Paws customers, meaning you can receive support at any time, all year round. There is no cost for this service apart from your standard phone rate.

  • Can Assist Your Paws careline prescribe medicine?

    Assist Your Paws cannot provide prescriptions for medication or prescription renewals. If your pet is in need of a prescription, Assist Your Paws will advise you to speak to your local veterinary clinic.

Make as many calls as you need. What’s more, it doesn’t count as a claim. There is no cost for this apart from your standard phone rate.

The Benefits of Assist Your Paws


The Benefits of Assist Your Paws

  • Veterinary support from the comfort of your own home.
  • Open day and night, all year round.
  • No wait times or need to book a slot.
  • Expert advice from UK RCVS registered vet nurses and vets.
  • We can advise you on the nearest vet available to you at that time.